Conquer Inner Conflict

Aligning Your Clashing Roles, Values, & Needs

When life feels like a jumbled 1,000-piece puzzle, remember: each piece is a part of you. Your challenge is to fit them all together in a way that feels right for you.

Ever feel like you're juggling too many roles?

Struggling to meet your own needs?

Wrestling to walk your talk?

Here’s the kicker…

Staying true to your duties, needs, and values isn’t about carrying weight. It’s about forging strength, sparking insight, and sculpting competence.

Roles, Values, & Needs: The Triggers of Inner Conflict

Nothing packs a punch quite like being pulled in a bazillion directions at once… And the impact intensifies exponentially once conflicting thoughts and feelings crash the fray.

Inner conflict kicks in as soon as the first incompatibility between your roles, values, or needs rears its head.

Imagine yourself as a 1,000-piece puzzle, each piece representing a unique aspect of your life. Maybe it’s a responsibility you have, an intention you want to fulfill, or a principle you cherish.

Getting two incompatible pieces to fit together just ain’t going to fly, no matter how hard you push.

The Roles You Play

For starters, consider your roles… These might include being a parent, friend, employee, or community member. Each of your roles comes with its own expectations and responsibilities.

When the pieces fit together, life’s a snap. When they don’t, watch out!

What happens when your role as a dedicated employee conflicts with your role as a caring parent? When a late work meeting overlaps with your child's school play? Any way you look at it, you lose.

Values: Your Guiding Principles

And what about your values… those guiding principles that give meaning to your words and actions? These are the standards, beliefs, and intentions you hold dear - the inner guidance system you depend on to shape your decisions and actions.

When your actions align with your values, you know it for the sense of harmony and purpose you feel. When they don't, it’s like slogging through quicksand…

Say you value honesty, but compromise on what you hold true to avoid conflict with a co-worker. This misalignment creates a deep-seated unease that can be hard to shake off.

Needs: The Core Desires

And then there are your needs adding yet another layer to the mix. I’m not just talking about obvious physical needs like food and shelter, but emotional and psychological ones too. You need love, security, achievement, and so much more.

When needs like these are unmet or clash with the demands of your roles or values, internal turmoil shifts into overdrive. You crave a sense of personal accomplishment in your work but also worry about securing financial stability. Balancing these can feel like tightrope-walking over a chasm of shattered glass and splintered dreams.

The Dynamic Dance of Roles, Values, and Needs

In many ways, the interplay between your roles, values, and needs is like a dynamic dance, constantly in motion. In your best moments, it’s like Fred and Ginger doing their thing:

Amazing to experience and a joy to behold :)!

But what happens when your roles, values, and needs start crunching each other's toes? Ouch! It's anything but graceful - and plenty painful.

The impact of this inner discord can be profound, affecting your well-being, relationships, sense of self, and ability to act on your best intentions…

Becoming Your Own Choreographer

So, how can you become the choreographer of your dance and improve your repertoire of moves?

Self-awareness and strategic thinking are essential. These start simply by:

  • recognizing and accepting conflicts as they arise

  • shifting from fixating on problems to solution-seeking

  • taking initial steps to test the possibilities and resolve the situation

In the end, solutions might involve clarifying boundaries, reassessing priorities, or giving yourself permission to pursue what truly matters to you.

One thing is for sure: inner conflict isn't a sign of weakness; it's a reflection of your complexity and depth as an engaged, considerate person. Embracing this complexity is your first step toward mastering the art of inner harmony.

Understanding Roles: What You Are & What You Do

You know the score: life's a stage, and there you are - versatile Shakespearian thespian that you are - smack dab in the middle, flipping roles like a MacDonald’s grill jockey slings burgers...

Scene 1, you're a caring parent; Scene 2, a driven professional; Scene 3, the loyal confidante, etc., etc.

With each new scene, your role reflects another facet of your identity, responsibilities, priorities, intentions… But what happens as these identities, responsibilities, et al collide? As they begin to undermine or compromise one another?

Why Roles Matter

Your roles are more than just titles; they're a complex blend of expectations, behaviors, responsibilities, and relationships. They shape how you interact with the world at large - and how the world perceives you.

When the demands of your various roles clash, inner conflict and stress are bound to follow. Like when two close friends independently share confidences about a disagreement between them, and you're torn between maintaining loyalty and providing honest feedback to each other. Your roles as a friend and confidante suddenly propel you into jeopardy, pulling your mind and heart in opposite directions.

Identifying Your Roles

The first step to mastering your roles is to identify them. This is not something for you to run quickly through in your head. Sure, it may feel like you’ve accomplished something in the moment, but you’ll only have scratched the surface.

Instead, grab a pen and paper to write down a list of your roles. By hand. One by one. For at least 10 minutes, if not 25. And don't just stick to the obvious ones… Include all your roles, however small or infrequent. You’ll be surprised at how long the list gets.

Spoiler alert: this exercise isn't just about listing roles; it's about recognizing the many expectations, responsibilities, and intentions you juggle daily.

Prioritizing and Balancing

With your roles laid out, it's time to prioritize. Not all roles are created equal, and their importance will change. Ask yourself:

  • Which roles are non-negotiable?

  • Which ones bring you joy and fulfillment?

  • Which ones align with your values?

This isn't about eliminating roles but understanding where to focus your energy at different times. Balancing roles doesn't mean giving each the same amount of attention; it's about giving each the right amount of attention at the right time.

It's a dynamic process, a dance (remember Fred and Ginger?) that requires constant adjustment. And sometimes, it's about saying “No” or setting respectful boundaries to protect your time, best intentions, and well-being.

Embracing Flexibility and Forgiveness

When it comes to balancing your roles, flexibility is your ally. I don’t have to tell you… life’s unpredictable, and sticking rigidly to a prescribed script - particularly when it comes to balancing your roles - can lead to incredible frustration and disastrous results.

Allow yourself the flexibility to adapt and shift your focus as situations change. And when things don't go as planned, a role is neglected, or a ball is dropped, here’s a useful perspective-shifter you may find helpful: this isn’t about succeeding or failing - it’s about getting feedback…

Here’s how it works:

  1. Try something out and see how it works for you.

  2. If it does - great! Onwards and upwards!

  3. If it doesn’t - great! What can you learn from the experience?

Whatever the result, remember: it isn’t about succeeding or failing - it’s about getting feedback. What’s happened has happened. What will you do next? Let feedback be your guide.

The Path to Harmony

Understanding and managing your roles is an ongoing process that requires reflection, adjustment, and self-compassion. By recognizing your roles, prioritizing and balancing them, embracing flexibility, and practicing forgiveness, you can reduce inner conflict and navigate your roles more quickly and confidently with open curiosity and appreciative compassion.

As you continue to explore and adjust your roles, remember that each contributes to your life's rich tapestry. Roles aren’t just responsibilities to be managed but opportunities to express different facets of your unique self.

Explore your roles with pleasure, adjust them as needed, and enjoy the performance of a lifetime.

Valuing Values: Guiding Principles for Harmony

At the heart of every decision, every action, and every belief lies a powerful driving force—your values. They're the compass guiding you through life's storms and the anchor keeping you from being swept away.

Understanding and aligning your values isn’t just about making choices; it's about making the right choices for the right reasons.

The Essence of Values

Values are the core principles that define what’s most important to you… the non-negotiable standards, beliefs, and priorities by which, at the best of times, you speak, act, and live.

From honesty and compassion to freedom and courage, values are as unique as fingerprints, shaping your thoughts, behaviors, and interactions every hour of your day.

You experience a sense of unity, fulfillment, and completeness when your actions align with your values. In a word: integrity. But when your actions and values splinter, inner conflict arises, leaving you uneasy and disoriented.

What if you believe in the importance of generosity and sharing wealth while pursuing personal goals and desires that require severe financial restraint? The disconnect can be deeply unsettling.

Identifying Your Personal Values

As with your roles, the path to value alignment begins with… not too surprisingly… recognizing your personal values. This isn't about what you think you should value or what others expect of you. It's about uncovering what truly matters to you most.

Reflect on moments when you felt happiest, proudest, and most fulfilled. What were you doing? Who were you with? The answers often point to your underlying values.

List your values (as before, think pen and paper), prioritize them, and understand they might change over time. Life experiences will shift your perspective - that’s exactly what this work is about.

The Power of Value Alignment

Aligning your life with your values is transformative. It brings clarity to decision-making, as each choice reflects what, for you, reflects your inner truth. It strengthens relationships as you connect with others who share similar values.

Most importantly, it fosters inner peace as you live free from the turmoil of living up to and championing incongruent standards… pretending to be something you're not.

But alignment can be challenging. Standing up for your beliefs requires courage, especially when pressured to conform. Admitting when you've strayed from your path and the determination to return to it demands honesty.

Living Your Values

Living your values isn't a one-time event; it's a daily practice. It's about making conscious choices, big and small, that resonate with your core principles. Sometimes, it means making sacrifices or tough decisions. But the reward is a life lived with integrity and purpose.

Here are some strategies you might consider to help integrate your values into your daily life:

  • Set goals that reflect your values and work towards them consistently.

  • Surround yourself with people who support and share your values.

  • When faced with a decision, ask yourself which option best aligns with your values.

  • Reflect regularly on your actions and adjust to stay true to your principles.

Embracing the Journey

Understanding and valuing your values are ongoing practices for self-discovery and growth. They’re about learning, adapting, and evolving as you navigate your day-to-day complexities.

By honoring your values, you create a life that looks good and feels right. As you continue on this path, remember that pursuing value alignment isn’t your destination… it’s what you do on the way there. With each step, you'll find greater clarity, purpose, and harmony within yourself and your relationships with the world.

In your world within, as with your roles and values, your needs whisper and sometimes scream, guiding your choices and shaping your path. These aren't just the needs for food and shelter but a complex array of emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual desires, all seeking fulfillment.

As with your roles and values, understanding and navigating these needs is crucial for inner harmony and well-being.

Unraveling the Tapestry of Needs

You can think of your needs like threads in a tapestry, each color and texture representing a different aspect of your well-being. From the basic physical requirements to the intricate emotional, intellectual, and spiritual desires, your needs form the foundation of your motivations and actions.

They drive you to seek love… security… achievement… belonging… However, when these needs conflict or remain unmet, they can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, stress, and inner turmoil.

Consider how your craving for deep connections with others can sometimes clash with your desire for personal space and independence. The tension between these needs can leave you feeling torn and frustrated.

Recognizing and Understanding Your Needs

As with your roles and values, the first step in navigating your needs is to recognize them. This involves tuning in to your feelings and behaviors to discover deeper desires beneath the surface.

Are you working late because you need achievement and recognition, or is it a need for security driving you? Sometimes, what we think we want is just the tip of the iceberg, with much (much!) more lying beneath the surface.

Understanding your needs requires honest self-reflection and, sometimes, a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. Not to mention your handy pen and paper - with which you now have plenty of practice :). It's about asking yourself hard questions and being ready to listen for the answers.

They may come right away or later as you go for a walk or take a shower… someplace where the pressure’s off and your mind off the leash. You’ve heard of “Eureka!” moments? This is how you prime yourself for one of your own...

This process of self-discovery may not always feel easy, but it's essential for personal growth and fulfillment. Again, adopting an approach of curiosity and compassion - laced with a liberal dose of patience - can make all the difference…

Prioritizing and Balancing Your Needs

With a clearer understanding of your needs, prioritizing and balancing them is the next challenge. Not all needs can be met simultaneously, and some may conflict with each other.

This is where the art of compromise and negotiation with yourself comes into play. Prioritizing your needs means deciding which ones are most important and which can wait. It's about understanding the difference between what you genuinely need and what you want.

Balancing your needs is dynamic, requiring constant adjustment as your circumstances and feelings change.

Strategies for Fulfilling Your Needs

Fulfilling your needs isn't just about meeting them in the moment; it's about making space and time to consistently support and nurture them. This might involve setting goals, creating boundaries, and making lifestyle changes that align with your core desires.

One effective strategy is to seek out activities and relationships that simultaneously fulfill multiple needs. For example, volunteering might meet your needs for connection, contribution, and personal growth.

Another strategy is to develop healthy coping mechanisms for when your needs conflict or can't be immediately met. This might involve mindfulness, self-compassion, or seeking support from others.

Embracing the Journey

Needless to say, navigating your needs is a lifelong journey requiring patience, understanding, and flexibility. As you grow and change, so too will your needs. Embracing this ever-evolving landscape is vital to finding inner peace and fulfillment.

Remember, understanding and navigating your needs isn't selfish; it's a fundamental part of self-care and personal development. By honoring and addressing your core desires, you enrich your own life and enhance your ability to contribute to the lives of others.

Practical Steps Towards Harmony: Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence

In your quest for inner harmony, understanding your roles, values, and needs is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you apply practical strategies to align these aspects of yourself.

Two powerful tools at your disposal are mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Together, they form a dynamic duo that can guide you to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Mindfulness: The Art of Presence

Mindfulness is being fully present and engaged in the moment, aware of your thoughts and feelings without distraction or judgment. It's like a mental pause button, giving you the space to respond to life's challenges with clarity and calmness.

Why Mindfulness Matters:

  • Reduces Stress: Mindfulness reduces anxiety from dwelling on the past or worrying about the future by focusing on the present.

  • Enhances Awareness: It helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to recognize and address inner conflicts as they arise.

  • Improves Decision Making: With a clearer mind, you're better equipped to make decisions that align with your values and needs.


Isn't it amazing how, when there's something you want to get done, you can be so good at doing anything but? Here’s how do different.

How to stay on track & follow through on commitments.

Emotional Intelligence: Understanding Your Heart 

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of others. It's about navigating the emotional landscape with skill and empathy, creating deeper connections with yourself and those around you.

The Power of Emotional Intelligence:

  • Self-awareness: It starts with recognizing your emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behavior. This awareness is crucial in understanding your needs and values.

  • Self-Regulation: Emotional intelligence allows you to manage your emotions, especially in stressful situations, helping you stay aligned with your values even under pressure.

  • Empathy: By understanding the emotions of others, you can build stronger, more empathetic relationships, which are essential for personal and professional success.

As you begin to put these practices, keep in mind that the path to inner harmony is not a straight line; it's a winding road with ups and downs. Equally importantly, it bears remembering that mindfulness and emotional intelligence aren’t just tools for navigating inner conflict; they are skills for life.

Cultivate these practices daily, and you'll find yourself better equipped to handle the turmoil within and the challenges that life throws your way. This isn’t about perfection; it's about progress…

The goal isn't to eliminate all conflict or achieve perpetual peace, it's to develop the resilience and insight to greet life's complexities with curiosity, compassion, and confidence.

Piecing the Puzzle Together

When life starts feeling like a jumbled 1,000-piece puzzle, remember: each piece is a part of you. One piece might be a role, a need, or a value.

There will be times when finding the fit between your various pieces will feel like a daunting task. That’s OK, so long as you resist forcing mismatched pieces to click. Your power comes through understanding how they all work together, how each piece, each aspect of your life, can come together in a way that feels right for you.

Here’s a quick recap you can use to get started:

Balance Your Roles

Just like sorting puzzle pieces by color or edge, mastering your roles starts with seeing them clearly. Recognize each role for what it is, a part of a bigger picture. By understanding the place and purpose of each role, you can manage them without feeling overwhelmed. Turn conflicts into opportunities to blend these pieces into a more cohesive whole.

Top Takeaways:

  • See each role clearly.

  • Acknowledge what each contributes to your life.

  • Manage them without stress.

  • Use conflicts to make your life richer.

Acknowledge Your Needs

Your needs are the corners and edges of your puzzle. The foundation. Identifying your needs clearly is crucial. They're not just survival necessities; they're the essentials for a rich, fulfilling life. When you know what you genuinely need, every piece you place is a step towards a more complete picture of yourself.

Top Takeaways:

  • Your needs are key pieces of your puzzle.

  • Know what you really need, not just to survive but to thrive.

  • Each need you meet brings you closer to a full picture of yourself.

Live Your Values

Your values are the final image of the puzzle, guiding each piece into its proper place. They're not just abstract concepts but the standards by which you align every aspect of your life. When your actions reflect your values, the puzzle pieces click into place with satisfying certainty.

Top Takeaways:

  • Your values are your puzzle's guide.

  • They aren't just ideas; they shape your life.

  • When you live by your values, every piece fits better.

Remember, each piece, each role, need, and value, holds a unique place in your story. Embrace them. Understand them. Let them guide you to complete the picture of who you are - and who you want to be.

Ready for more?

Discover the virtual coaching advantage with the End Self-Sabotage session ALIGN ROLES, VALUES, & NEEDS… 

Build the skills to focus attention, beat overwhelm, & stay consistent in your roles, values, & needs.

In this session, you see how the ways you label experiences affect your reactions and responses. You begin by considering how episodes of inner conflict are hardly surprising before looking at what's going on behind the nastiness with which some thoughts express themselves.

Subscription: $5/month